Student Hub
Our Student Hub is in A block. Please use it for the following services:
- All absences should be requested by emailing the Attendance Officer on
- Pupils signing in late or signing out for appointments.
- Students leaving school for appointments must sign out at the Student Hub and be collected by a parent from the Student Hub entrance to the school site. Parents must push the buzzer once here – students will not be allowed to leave the site until we know a parent has arrived.
- Collect Leave of Absence (LOA) forms.
First Aid
- Any pupils requiring First Aid should go to Miss McHugh, Mrs Hayden or Mrs Wilkin (not Tuesdays) for a First Aid Pass and then come to the Student Hub.
- Parents of students who are ill will be contacted by Student Hub staff – students should not call home.
- Students who have been authorised to leave should be collected from the Student Hub entrance. Parents must push the buzzer once here – students will not be allowed to leave the site until we know a parent has arrived.
Students’ Healthcare
- Collect Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP), Administering Medication and AAI Consent forms. The Student Hub Officer manages all IHCPs.
- Spare student medication is stored in the Student Hub.
- Temporary medication (ie antibiotics) is stored in the Student Hub. Parents must complete the ‘Administering Medication’ form and send it in to the Student Hub with the medication.
- If students have been injured and need special considerations in school (ie crutches), the Student Hub Officer, in liaison with the Heads of Year, will complete a Risk Assessment.
- Sanitary items are available from the Student Hub.
Lost Property
- General lost property is kept in the Student Hub (e.g. personal belongings, bags, coats, school uniform). PE kit is kept in the accessible toilet in the PE department.
- Spare uniform can be borrowed from the Student Hub. Students’ details will be recorded to ensure items are returned.
- Second-hand uniform is collected, organised and stored in the Student Hub. If you wish to purchase second-hand uniform, please contact the Student Hub by emailing
Pupil Timetables
- Pupil Timetables can be reprinted at the Student Hub or the Library.
Students’ Items from Home (medical/lunch/glasses only)
- Please bring these to the Student Hub entrance to the school site. Forgotten PE kits will not be accepted.
Student Receptionist
- The Student Receptionist sits in the Student Hub. They are responsible for taking messages and items to staff and students.
- Urgent messages can be sent to students during the school day – please contact Main Reception to request this. Hub staff will identify and locate students if required.
The following staff are based in A Block:
- Assistant Headteacher responsible for pastoral care and the Mental Health Lead
- Mental Health and Pastoral Support Coordinator
Main Reception (K Block)
- All visitors must report to Main Reception, including parents arriving for meetings.
- New uniform purchased from Uniform4Kids are kept in Main Reception; students will be told when they can collect their items.