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Mission Statement

To instil a lifelong love of PE and sport, which leads to a balanced, active & healthy lifestyle, challenging students to be the best version of themselves

PE Department Guidelines: Kit/Jewellery/Illness/Injury

Physical Education plays a very important part in the curriculum at St Mary's.  In Year 7 pupils participate in at least two lessons of PE a week when a range of physical activities are undertaken.  The department aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which instils a lifelong love of sport.  The children are given the opportunities to develop individual and team skills whilst learning about the importance of exercise.

The school enjoys considerable success in inter-school competitions and matches against other schools which take place after school.  This provides further opportunities for the children to develop good social relationships and enjoy physical activity outside of the classroom. Team practices are held after school in addition to a variety of sports clubs.  Full commitment in extra-curricular activities and school sport is expected.

PE kit must always be worn even when a pupil is ill or injured. In this situation the pupil will be able to fulfil other roles including officiating, coaching or analysing others’ performance, and failure to wear PE kit will result in a minus house point. If your child has a serious medical complaint which will mean him/her missing two or more weeks of lessons a doctor’s note is essential. 

Kit must be fully marked on the inside of each garment and with initials embroidered on the outside on the left front of shirts, skorts and shorts. Pupils are responsible for the safe keeping of their own kit, and it should be taken home after each PE lesson.  PE clothing can be ordered or purchased from the school outfitters, Uniform 4 Kids/ Fosters Schoolwear Ltd. 

No jewellery is permitted to be worn during PE and games lessons (that includes the removal of any earrings).  Where possible jewellery and valuables should be left at home, where this is not possible students should leave these in their bags and the changing rooms will be locked.

Should there be any reason why your child is unable to take part in a PE lesson, a letter of explanation is required that should be written by parents and handed to the teacher at the start of the lesson.

FAQs: How do I…. Find out about sports fixtures (and if they are cancelled)
Answer: Sports information is posted in the entrance to the sports hall.  Alternatively, specific queries can be dealt with via the 'contact a teacher' procedures outlined before.  Team captains are notified of any cancellations in advance where possible. This information is also to be found on the school website.


Key Stage 3 & 4 Core Physical Education

Students from 7 to 11 will participate in 2 hours of Physical Education a week, the curriculum aims for these lessons are:

  • To instil a lifelong love of sport;
  • Students to acquire and develop skills in a wide range of sports and apply these in a competitive environment;
  • Improve physical and mental health.

The department aim to achieve this by giving the students experience in a wide range of sports both in lessons and after school, and to make these as active and as enjoyable as we can. In KS3 students are assessed in two sports every half term, this is to help inform them of ways to improve and track progress. Students are not assessed in core PE in KS4.

GCSE Physical Education

Years 10 and 11 students are given the option of choosing to study a GCSE in Physical Education in addition to their core practical lessons.

The content and assessment overview is outlined below.


I think PE is fun. It helps with your health and strength and knowledge, helps with skills, and builds up your confidence and also your stamina will help with your health and helps you with exercise.

- Mia, Year 7

PE is important, because it helps your fitness, mental health and makes you a much healthier person. It is also important to get fresh air and learn new skills. You could discover a sport you really enjoy or you are very good at and it could be your new favourite pastime

– Anna, Year 7