Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP)
The Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal website is the premier gateway in Hertfordshire to explore career opportunities, including:
- Local Market Information (LMI)
- Apprenticeships
- Work Experience
- Making decisions post 16 and post 18
The website is very helpful for students, employers, teachers, parents and carers and provides Virtual Employer Encounters, enabling students and parents to experience encounters with employers and employees (Gatsby Benchmark 5) and have the opportunity to engage in questions with employers.
The Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal enables students, parents and carers to explore their Careers Directory, gain access to up-to-date Labour Market Information and search for employment vacancies.
Click here to access their Careers Directory
The Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal host Generation Events. A Generation Event is a careers fair for Hertforshire Careers hub schools led by Hertfordshires LEP'S skills portal HOP in partnership with key stakeholders from the local area.
Click here to find out more about their upcoming and past events.