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Franciscan Values Award for St Mary's Catholic School

As part of the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust, every school within the Trust nominates one student per year group per half-term who demonstrates the values of St Francis – hence the title “Franciscan Values Award”. The Awards have been split into different key stages with age-related expectations for each child. At Key Stage 3, we encourage our students to show “zest” in their faith, in particular, as they engage with and contribute to the Catholic life of the school, and they work towards receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in their home parishes.

We encourage our KS4 and KS5 students to be leaders. To take courage in living out their faith every day and to inspire, motivate and lead others in demonstrating the example of St Francis of Assisi, Patron of our Trust. Please see the following three illustrations which explain how you can encourage your child to work towards achieving the Franciscan Values Award.