Application Process
Year 12
Students should be thinking ahead to their plans post St Mary’s. We encourage all students to be looking for work experience and volunteering experience to broaden their skills outside of the classroom. Students have the opportunity during timetabled enrichment to volunteer either on site or within the local community. Students are encouraged to undertake student leadership roles and responsibilities.
All Sixth Form students are asked to start the year working towards gaining credits to complete their St Mary’s Senior Award.
Year 13
The majority of St Mary’s Sixth Formers carry on to Higher Education and secure their first choice university. Each student applying through The Universities and College Admission Service (UCAS) receives individual form tutor support and a one to one meeting with the Head of Sixth Form and personalised guidance from the Careers Advisor. They will attend a masterclass on how to write an effective personal statement and receive information about Student Finance. All students are encouraged to attend taster days, summer schools and open days to help them make informed decisions about their future choices.
We encourage students to be aspirational. In addition to our careers department we have a dedicated Oxbridge co-ordinator who will guide students through their application and interview process. Students receive regular emails of university Open days, Summer Schools and Taster days.