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Former students can play a huge role in inspiring others by talking about their journey and sharing their knowledge of the world of work and how they got there.

If you are a former student of St Mary’s Catholic School, you can help support our careers programme by:

  • Inspiring students
  • Directly linking curriculum subjects to the world of work
  • Use your network of friends and colleagues to increase employer engagement at St Mary’s
  • Provide accurate and clear pathway information about the industry you now work in
  • Help young people understand the skills and qualifications needed to enter the world of work

We are always looking for former students of St Mary’s Catholic School to come into school and support us as part of our new Alumni Network to improve our careers provision, whether you are at university, a graduate, an apprentice or an employee.

Alumni play a key role in inspiring other young people through sharing their own journey and knowledge. This vital experience can help our students make informed decisions regarding their career and fully utilise the pathway information and sector knowledge shared with them.

There are numerous ways you can support us. This can range from small to large commitments, all of which can make a vital difference to our school.

You can help us with:

  • Mock Interview Days
  • Assembly Talks
  • Class / Subject lesson Talks
  • Workplace visits
  • Work shadowing  
  • Work Experience Opportunities
  • Careers Fairs
  • Support of Curriculum Activities 

To give support, please contact the Careers Department by emailing  

If you would like to feature as a Case Study on our Alumni Network page, please let us know.