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  • Year 11 News

    Published 30/01/23

    Year 11 students have made an extremely positive start to this academic year.

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  • Year 7 News

    Published 30/01/23

    Well done on completing your first successful term at St. Mary’s Catholic School. 

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  • KS3 Enrichment Day

    Published 30/01/23

    A fabulous day was had by all, with lots of engaging variety in topics, learning styles and experiences!

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  • Years 12 & Year 13 - Law Enrichment Trip

    Published 23/01/23

    Last Thursday a small group of Year 12 and 13 students went on a trip to Chelmsford Crown Court to get a first-hand experience of the legal proffesion in action

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  • KS3 Enrichment Day

    Published 23/01/23

    Enjoy a preview of our KS3 Enrichment Day, Monday 23rd January 2023

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  • Year 11 Reward Event

    Published 23/01/23

    Well done to all involved!

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  • Flame 2023- Catholic Youth Ministry Event

    Published 16/01/23

    Saturday 4th March - Interested? Please speak with Mr Wright.

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  • Matt Oldfield, Author - Visit to ST Mary's!

    Published 16/01/23

    Matt Oldfield is the writer of the hugely popular "Football Heroes" series.

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  • National Apprenticeship Week-Can You Help?

    Published 16/01/23

    Parents/Carers or past students we need your help?

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  • Inter-house Swimming Competition

    Published 09/01/23

    Well done to all the students who competed in the Inter-house Swimming Competition

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  • Congratulations Word Millionaires!

    Published 09/01/23

    Accelerated Reader ~ Word Millionaires!

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  • Tree Planting Ceremony at SMCS

    Published 14/12/22

    The Queen's Green Canopy 

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